Posts Tagged ‘sample’

i checked

i tried looking for a substitue.. i have been an addict ever since a friend introduced it to me.

It’s my daily morphene, my strong cocaine. I’ve been wishing i could stop this nonsensical addiction. but i just can’t.

how have you been doing? have you been trying drugs lately? have you become an addict?

its not bad. I mean, police saw me indulging to this addiction yet they smiled and said hello. They told me it’s not a cheap junk yet it’s relaxing. I agree, 100%.

Wanna try? I’d be more than willing to give you one sample. It’s kinda expensive but hey! It’ll make your eyes bulge and open wide, will make your brain work one full day, and make you crave for nothing more!

believe me.

I checked my schedule and saw that the remaining days of the month can be pot session days for me. tell me when and where we could meet and i’ll bring the goodies.

Keep a packet of sugar handy, we’ll surely need those. The sweetness of it will make our shots oh-so-yummy!

promise, you’ll have one of the best times of your life. You’ll get hooked and addicted as well.

Just be sure to save me some thanks. I’d be happy to spend sessions with you, guys.

And, by the way. What Starbucks drink do you want?

My Addiction

My Addiction